
Traditional Ayurvedic Massage for Balancing Doshas

Traditional Ayurvedic Massage for Balancing Doshas

Ayurveda, the 5000 year old science of life, has a solution to all your problems. According to Ayurveda, each person is made of five different elements -air, fire, space, earth, and water. And these elements combine to form the three doshas Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Among these, in most persons, one dosha is the primary, and the other two are secondary.

Ayurvedic massage is designed as such to maintain balance among the body, mind, and spirit. An Ayurvedic oil massage incorporates warm oils and timed, non-traditional strokes, according to the individual.

An Ayurvedic massage involves

Ayurvedic oils

An Ayurvedic massage uses organic oils infused with Ayurvedic herbs. This oil is warmed and applied to provide relaxation and detoxification.

Ayurvedic oils are chosen based on a person’s dominant dosha. Given the right temperature, the oils penetrate through the skin pores and bind to the toxins (ama) to detoxify the body.

The oils that can be used for different dominant doshas are

  • Vata – Heavy oils like sesame, Bhringaraj are used
  • Pitta – Neutral and cooling oils like coconut, castor, ghee, Bhringaraj oil, Brahmi oil, neem oil
  • Kapha – Stimulating and light oils like flaxseed, canola, safflower oil.

Various kinds of massages

Ayurveda describes various kinds of Ayurvedic massages.


Abhyanga is anointing the body with warm, medicated oils. This is explicitly done before bathing and can be performed by everyone. Abhyanga is a kind of self love and self care. According to Ayurveda, you have to massage the herbal oils so that they penetrate deep into the skin. Abhyanga can be done daily.


It combines both touch and sound therapy to improve the energy flow of the individual. Oil massage, along with crystal singing bowls, vibrates and transforms the body’s cells. This treatment provides blissfulness.


This is done exclusively by the therapist. The Marma points are vital energy points. During a marma massage, dosha specific oils and circular touch stimulate the energy points. Marma massage boosts circulation and relieves stiff muscles.

Udwarthanam Massage

This massage is done with powdered herbs. The therapists exfoliate the skin and cleanse it thoroughly by applying a powder layer to your body. This removes stagnant toxins from the body.


Pizhichil is also known as an “oil bath” where a continuous stream of herbal oils is smoothed into the body. This enhances circulation, purifies blood, and eliminates toxins.


In Shirodhara, a soothing stream of warm oil is poured onto the forehead. This treatment calms the central nervous system.


Vishesh is another massage technique and uses firm, slow strokes. Vishesh is followed by Abhyanga massage.

Ayurvedic massage for each dosha

An imbalance of dosha in Ayurveda is treated with its opposite. Hence, most massage focuses on countering a person’s predominant dosha.

Kapha – Kapha types in balance, have a sturdy build, healthy digestion, and a sense of calm. An imbalance results in lethargy, obesity, depression, and apathy. Kaphas benefit from Vishesh, the deep tissue stimulating massage.

Pitta – Pittas are friendly, joyful, with strong digestion when in balance—an imbalance results in lack of focus, constant thirst, fever, irritability. Pittas benefit from Abhyanga as it calms the central nervous system and releases toxins.

Vata – Vatas in balance is energetic, enthusiastic, and creative. An imbalance results in weakness, arthritis, constipation, and digestive challenges. Shirodhara and Marma help pacify Vata aggravate.

Benefits of an Ayurvedic massage

  • Balances the doshas
  • Detoxifies and cleanses
  • Enhances immunity
  • Improves circulation
  • It soothes the body and mind
  • Healthy glowing skin
  • Reduces stress
  • A sense of relaxation
  • Increases flexibility of muscles
  • Helps in lymphatic drainage

Buy Massage oil from Shesha Ayurveda.

Neeli Bringadi Hair Growth & Hairfall Control Oil 200ml (PET bottle)

MRP $12.00 [Inclusive of all Taxes]

Neelibringadi Hair Growth & Hairfall Control Oil 100ml (PET bottle)

MRP $8.00 [Inclusive of all Taxes]

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil From Kerala 100ml (glass bottle) Extracted from Fresh Coconut Milk,100% Natural, Cold Processed & Unrefined. Can be used for Cooking, as a Dietary Supplement & for Skin, Hair & Baby Massages

MRP $4.00 [Inclusive of all Taxes]

Balaswagandhadi Muscle Strength & Tone Massage Oil 50ml

MRP $4.00 [Inclusive of all Taxes]

Murivenna Pain Relief Oil 50ml | Wound healing, inflammation reduction, muscle/joint pain relief, sprains/strains, fractures, minor burns, skin cuts

MRP $3.30 [Inclusive of all Taxes]

Dhanwantaram Thailam 50ml pre/postnatal massage oil, relieve muscle cramps, numbness, pain and swelling

MRP $4.00 [Inclusive of all Taxes]

Neeli Bringadi Hair Growth & Hairfall Control Oil 100ml (glass bottle)

MRP $8.00 [Inclusive of all Taxes]

Karpooradi Thailam 50ml | Congestion Relief ,Muscle Relaxation, Overall Body Pain and Cramp Relief

MRP $3.30 [Inclusive of all Taxes]

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil From Kerala 200ml Extracted from Fresh Coconut Milk,100% Natural, Cold Processed & Unrefined. Can be used for Cooking, as a Dietary Supplement & for Skin, Hair & Baby Massages

MRP $4.70 [Inclusive of all Taxes]

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