A combo of 4 items (1 x Kolakulathadi Kizhi (Potli), 1 x 50 ml Murivenna, 1 x 50ml Kottamchukkadi Thailam, 1 x 50 ml Karpooradi Thailam ) for relief from muscle and joint pain. For reducing pain and inflammation particularly in the joints and the muscles. It also helps in restoring the balance of Vata doshas in the body.

Kolakulathadi Choornam (Medicated Potli) has amazing medicinal value that helps to reduce the swelling and inflammation in the bones. Healing Potli Compress helps in reduces pain and promote blood circulation. It has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties that provides long-term relief from rheumatoid arthritis, Joint Pains, Back Ache, shoulder pains, lumbago, muscular sprain, Sciatica, Spondylosis, Frozen Shoulder, Knee Pains, Neuromuscular aches and inflammation. Helps relieve pain and stiffness in joints and muscular spasms etc.
“This vata-reducing traditional massage oil is an excellent wound healer, pain reliever. The anti- inflammatory properties of the herbal ingredients present in Murivenna makes it excellent for treating swollen feet due to fluid retention/ postpartum swelling of feet. Helps strengthen the bones, muscles, and joints. Traditionally used by the Kerala Kalarippayattu martial art performers and ancient kerala royal warriors.
The name Murivenna comes from two Malayalam words, ‘Murivu’ – meaning, wound and ‘Enna’- meaning, oil. Hence Murivenna is oil that helps in healing the wound. Murivenna rapidly helps reduce inflammation and is highly useful in injuries involving pain and swelling. Murivenna quickens the healing process and gives almost instant relief from swelling, stiffness, pain, & inflammation, naturally. Though named as wound oil, it is conventionally used while bandaging fractures, for dislocation, sprain etc. Buy Murivenna Online from Shesha Ayurveda
- Murivenna is a Traditional Ayurvedic combination that is excellent for wound healing
- Heals wounds and burns. Helps heal and reduces scarring
- Effective for sprains, joint pain etc
- Has an analgesic effect
- 100% Natural and Authentic Ayurvedic Formulation
- Made in Kerala
Kottamchukkadi helps to relieve pain and inflammation. Kottamchukkadi thailam relieves numbness and neck, ankle and shoulder sprain and also helps relieve muscle pain. Kottamchukkadi Thailam is renowned for its therapeutical benefits on vata disorders. Known in Ayurveda for its pain relieving action, Kottamchukkadi thailam helps subside inflammation in joint disorders. Really effective for conditions like sciatica, spondylosis, arthritis, myalgia and tennis elbow. Kottamchukkadi Thailam helps reduce numbness and stiffness in vata predominant conditions. Buy Kottamchukkadi Thailam online from Shesha Ayurveda
- It’s a powerful combination of herbs made using sesame oil as base, described in the authentic Ayurvedic text – Sahasrayogam.
- Kottamchukkadi Thailam is excellent for the treatment of arthritic ailments like swelling, stiffness and Joint pains.
- Helps subside numbness and stiffness in neurological and joint disorders
- 100% Natural and Authentic Ayurvedic Formulation
- Made in Kerala
“Karpooradi Thailam” helps to Fasten relief from back pain, muscular cramps, and joint pain. Camphor is the main ingredient in Karpooradi Thailam and it’s is known for its effectiveness to relieve pain & swelling. It improves blood circulation on the affected area and provides a soothing effect with a refreshing fragrance that revive the mind and body. Buy Karpooradi Thailam Online from Shesha Ayurveda
- Effective Ayurvedic Pain Relief formulation for Muscular & Joint pains
- Massage using this thailam improves blood circulation in the affected area and gives a soothing effect because of its fragrance
- Camphor is the main ingredient in this thailam along with a gingelly Oil base. Camphor is known for its effectiveness to relieve pain & swelling.
- Relieves muscle cramps, neck pain, back pain, Overall stiffness of body etc
- 100% Natural and Authentic Ayurvedic Formulation
- Made in Kerala
Store in a Cool and Dry place. For External use only.
Murivenna, Kottamchukkadi & Karpooradi Thailam Shelf Life – Best before 3 years from the date of manufacture. All thailams once opened use within 6 months
Note: Color and the aroma of the Thailams varies from batch to batch depending on the ingredient seasonal changes. You might notice very little amount of sediment, this is completely normal considering the raw nature of the product. Shake well before use
Kolakulathadi Potli : 3-4 days you can use and discard afterwards.
Three different ways to incorporate pain relief thailams for the most effective results.
Sthanika pichu’ method or ‘local oil padding’
Use Thailams – Murivenna/Kottamchukkdi/Karpooradi thailam for ‘Sthanika pichu’ method or ‘local oil padding’ & Abhyangam
- Take warm Murivenna Oil in a clean bowl and cotton cloths/pads that can cover the whole affected area. The thickness of the cloth should be half inch. Dip the cloth/pad into warm Murivenna oil.
- The soaked cotton cloth is placed on the affected part for 15 to 30 minutes or more depending on the condition. The oil dipped cloth should be kept warm throughout the process by warming the oil and exchanging the cotton pads/ cloth periodically with the warm ones.
Pichu method is extremely beneficial for spondylolysis, fractures, strains, muscle pulls, cramps, contusions, burns etc.
It is a traditional system of full body massage using medicated oil. Murivenna oil is warmed and applied on the entire body, From top to the soles of the feet.
Follow up with a warm bath using a mild natural soap or cleanser.
How to use Ayurvedic Pain Relief Thailams along with Healing Kolakulathadi Potli
Step 1: Take 10 ml of desired pain relief oil and massage on the affected area. Massage gently for 15 minutes, recommended. Repeat if desired.
Step 2: Heat 10 ml of oil in an oil heating vessel on a low flame.
Step 3: Heat potli in the same oil heating vessel with the oil. Potli should be kept on a plate for not more than 5-6 minutes. Overheating will burn the potli
Step 4: Check the temperature of the potli by gently applying it on dorsal part of the palm and ensure heat of the potli is bearable.
Step 5: Use gentle pressure while rolling, dragging & pressing the potli against on affected areas
Note: cold compress for acute injuries: such as swelling & heat compress for chronic injuries such as sore muscles & joint pain.
Step 6: Massage the joints with the potli in a circular motion. Massage in the clockwise direction for a minute and then keep it still for few seconds and then massage again in anticlockwise direction for a minute
Step 7: Repeat the therapy for minimum 15-20 minutes by intermittently heating the potli to keep it warm.
Step 8: If potli feels dry, You can add 3-5 ml oil to the heating vessel
Step 9: Use Potli compress twice a day, for effective results.